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Almost 500 injured in explosion at Taiwan water park
By Kimberly Hutcherson, Kevin Wang and Greg Botelho, CNN
Updated 0351 GMT (1051 HKT) June 29, 2015
(CNN)Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare put out a call for medical supplies and skin grafts for the hundreds injured after flammable powder exploded in midair at a recreational water park, Taiwanese media reported.
(消息來源CNN)台灣媒體報導,衛生福利部發表聲明,上百位因八仙樂園(recreational water park)塵爆事件(flammable powder exploded)而受傷的傷患,需要醫護人員與皮膚移植。
By late Sunday, no fatalities had been reported, and the total number of injuries had dropped to 498, according to Taiwan's Central News Agency, which cited New Taipei's Public Health Department. The department said some of the injured were inadvertently counted twice in its previous tally of 524.
Forty-three hospitals are treating casualties, CNA reported, and 202 of the victims are in critical condition.
Most of the victims, 485 of them, are Taiwanese, but 13 foreigners were also injured, CNA said. The majority of injured foreigners are female. They include residents of Hong Kong, mainland China, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia.
Though the New Taipei government said the nationalities of three of the victims had not yet been confirmed, it was reported earlier that a "European or American" man was among the wounded.
Of the injured, 182 are hospitalized in intensive care units, New Taipei public health officials said. More than 60 have been discharged after treatment.
新北市政府衛生局官員表示,182名傷者進入加護病房(ICU,intensive care units),60名傷者則在治療後出院。
Liu Yeuh-Ping of Taipei's Department of Health told CNN that there while there was ample room for patients in intensive care units, there are not enough spaces in the specialized burn units, so health authorities are trying to move patients in need of intensive burn care.
台北市衛生局Liu Yeuh-Ping向CNN記者表示,雖然加護病房可以容納所有病患, 卻沒有足夠的空間可以容納燒傷患者,因此衛生局正在試著協助病患轉向其他醫院的加護病房。
A massive fireball
Firefighters said the firestorm erupted around 8:30 p.m. Saturday (8:30 a.m. ET), when a flammable powder substance blew up over a stage at Formosa Fun Coast, according to a CNA report.
CNA指出,消防隊員表示,火災約於下午8:30發生(美東時間 早上8:30),易燃的粉塵是在Formosa Fun Coast舞台上爆發。
Video showed a massive fireball suddenly engulfing the stage, followed by screaming people running for their lives through flames.
"The fire came too fast and nobody was able to run," said witness Huang Guan Zhang, 19. "Everybody was burned. ... Nobody could save others and people suffered severe burns."
"火勢來的太快,沒人來的及跑。"19歲的目擊證人 Huang Guan Zhang說"大家都燒傷了......沒人能救的了別人,每個人都受到嚴重的燒傷。"
Some people used large, inflated inner tubes as stretchers to carry out the injured, CNA reported.
After visiting with hospitalized victims, Taiwan's Premier Mao Chi-Kuo announced a ban on color powder events while the incident is being investigated, according to CNA. In a video distributed by the government, he said the ban would be in place until color powder can be proved safe.
President Ma Ying-Jeou also met with people injured in the fire. He said the Taiwanese government would help the victims and promised a full investigation.
Two people being questioned
Five people have been questioned in connection with the blast, according to Tu Yi Te, secretary in chief of the Luzhou District police department. He said two of them are considered to be suspects -- the organizer of the party and the person in charge of lighting and hardware.
蘆洲警察分局書記長Tu Yi Te表示,五位跟爆炸案有關人士受到訊問。其中有兩位可能涉嫌 -- 派對活動主辦人以及負責燈光及硬體的工作人員。
They were brought to the prosecutor for further questioning, Tu said, and CNA reported the Taipei Shilin District Prosecutors Office released the two on bail and barred them from leaving the country.
Organizer Lu Chung-chi's bail was about $32,000, while the hardware engineer's was almost $9,700, CNA said.
CNA指出,負責人Lu Chung-chi保釋金為$32000,而硬體工程師則是$9700。
Mayor Eric Chu called it the "worst incident of mass injury (ever) in New Taipei," Taiwan's most populous city.
新北市長Eric Chu稱此事件為:「新北市有史以來最嚴重的群眾傷害事件」;新北市是台灣人口最多的都市。
Formosa Fun Coast said the fiery explosion occurred during a "Color Play Asia" party put on by a separate company that leased out space at the park.
八仙樂園(Formosa Fun Coast)表示此爆炸事件是在"Color Play Asia"派對中發生;該活動係由承租廠商舉辦
"We are very regretful (for) this accident that caused injuries to many victims," Formosa Fun Coast said in a statement. "The most urgent matter currently for us is to handle and assist with ... victims on the scene and work comprehensively with the New Taipei Fire Department."
The organizer of "Color Play Asia" apologized and promised to take full responsibility, CNA reported.
CNA報導,"Color Play Asia"派對活動的主辦人道歉並承諾將負起全責。
"We need to apologize to the families. I am very sorry that something like this happened," Lu told CNA. "We shoulder ultimate responsibility."
CNN's Wayne Chang, Kathy Novak and Eliott C. McLaughlin contributed to this report.